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This Week at St. James - May 21 - 25, 2018
Published on May 20, 2018 15:40

Here is a quick look at what is happening at St. James for the week of May 21, 2018.

  • Victoria Day - School closed


  • Lunches Made Easy - Pasta

  • Popcorn Day, $1.00 for a bag of popcorn


  • Grade 7 Immunization Clinic

  • EQAO begins for Grade 3 and 6 students begins in the a.m.

  • CSCC Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. in our school library. All are welcome to attend


  • Lunches Made Easy - Tacos/Grilled Cheese

  • EQAO for Grades 3 and 6 in a.m.


  • EQAO for Grades 3 and 6 in a.m.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, May 29  -Arts for our Kindergarten classes
Friday, June 1 -P.A. Day, no school for students

Thursday, June 7 -Elections @ St. James all day, gym closed

Additional Information: 

A few messages from our Catholic School Community Council -

Save the Date - Wednesday, June 13, 2018. St. James Catholic School will be hosting a Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction for our Spring Fundraiser. Adults are $10.00 and children are $5.00. This includes pasta with fresh tomato sauce, salad, dinner roll, can of pop, and desert. Our pasta dinner will be catered by Caledon Estates. If you have not sent in your orders, it is NOT too late. We continue to take orders for our Pasta Dinner. 

A reminder that donated items for our Silent Auction need to be brought in to school no later than May 25. This will allow time for our volunteers to create the baskets for our Silent Auction. 

Also, we will graciously accept any larger ticket items for our Silent Auction.


Special Prayers/Intentions:

Congratulations to those students that celebrated their Confirmation this Sunday.

As we begin EQAO this week, a special prayer for our students in Grades 3 and 6.


As we prepare for this year’s EQAO testing,
we want to thank you for all of the gifts you have given us:
Gifts of wisdom and learning, and minds to admire the beauty of your creation.

We ask you to be with us as we take these tests:

Give us confidence and peace, clarity and a good memory, so that we may apply what we have learned, and put into practice what our teachers have taught us.

Help us to know that we are always your beloved children, before we begin these tests, while we are writing them, and after they are done.

Whatever our scores may end up being, remind us that your love for us never changes, and that there are many, many ways that we can share ourselves with others, serving them, loving them, and becoming more and more the people you want us to be.

Praise to you, Lord, for walking alongside us, today and every day.


Have a outsanding week!